When you spend a lot of time in your Ft. Lauderdale pool, the experience can begin to feel boring and dull. Plain features are not exactly inspiring, so perhaps it’s time to mix things up a bit. To improve your poolside experience, consider incorporating color psychology into the design.

Color psychology is a theory that describes how different colors affect mood and behavior. Most people will recognize major brand logos and the colors they use. The concept of these logos is designed around attracting customers to the product, which is why companies use specific colors to provoke an emotional response.

Color Psychology and Your Pool

Marketing manipulation aside, colors can be used in ways that are beneficial. The poolside is one area where color psychology can completely change your experience. To understand how the theory works, it helps to know how each color provokes an emotional response.

Blue is associated with tranquility, making it an ideal color for a poolside. For creative inspiration, you may want to consider incorporating yellow. However, green is typically associated with a feeling of freshness and healing, so it is also an excellent choice for poolside design. Alternatively, you can choose whichever colors most make you feel relaxed, comfortable and happy.

Sensory Colors

Another aspect of color psychology applies to people with sensory issues, such as autistic persons. Designing a pool with calming colors provides a safe haven for family members who become over stimulated or are experiencing sensory overload.

If the person with sensory issues is able to communicate, you can have a discussion about which colors they would prefer. Additionally, when designing your poolside with this purpose in mind, it may help to speak to a medical professional who understands which colors provoke the most calming reaction.

For further help with your color psychology poolside design, speak to Somar Pools in Ft. Lauderdale today.